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Friday, October 2, 2009

Kingdom Tulang Bawang
Language : Indonesia

1. History
Tulang Bawang Kingdom is one of the oldest Hindu kingdom in the archipelago. There are not many historical records that reveal the facts about this kingdom. Because, when Che-Li-P'o Chie (Kingdom of Sriwijaya) develops, name and the greatness of the Kingdom of Tulang Bawang it faded. According to ancient China, around the mid-4th century ever there was a Bhiksu and pilgrims named Fa-Hien (337-422), while sailing to India and Sri Lanka, stranded and had stopped in a kingdom called To-Lang-P'o Hwang (Tulang Bawang), precisely in the interior Chrqse (Sumatra).

Another source mentioned that China was a poet named I-Tsing who had stopped at Swarna Dwipa (Sumatra). Places proved to be a part of the kingdom of Srivijaya. At that time, he could see the area called Selapon. He then gave the name of the area with the term P'ohwang Tola. The title is taken from P'ohwang Tola During any spelling. To spell this word in the poet's tongue to be read so-la-po-un. People generally come from China to the region '. I-Tsing, who are immigrants from China Tartars and tongue can not say So, the spelling is familiar to him. Thus, the word is mentioned solapun or selapon called Tola P'ohwang. Over time, as it became TOLANG Powang or later become Tulang Bawang.

Sriwijaya kingdom is a federation or coalition between the Malays and the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Tulang Bawang (Lampung). In the reign of Srivijaya, the influence of the Hindu religion is very strong. Malays who can not accept these teachings, so they then retreated to Brak Scale. However, there are many Malays who settled in Megalo with maintaining its own culture and practice that still exists. In the 7th century, the name given P'ohwang Tola another name, namely Selampung, which became known as the Lampung.

Until now, no person or party who can ensure the kingdom where the center is Tulang Bawang. A historian, Dr. J. W. Naarding estimates this kingdom center located in Tulang Bawang Way, between Menggala and Pagar Dewa, a distance of about a radius of 20 km from the center Menggala City. If traced geographically present, the kingdom is located in Tulang Bawang, Lampung Province, Indonesia.

Around the 15th century, the City Manggala and Tulang Bawang River flow is known as the center of a thriving trade, particularly with black pepper agricultural commodities. That said, the black pepper prices offered to the Dutch colonial trade union or VOC (Oost-Indische Compagnie) cheaper than the price offered to the merchants of Banten. Therefore, this commodity is very famous in Europe. Along with the times, Tulang Bawang River to dock "Boom" or place bersandarnya merchant ships from all around the country. However, the story about the progress of this commodity is only one historical record only.

Tulang Bawang kingdom is not passed on to the system of government is still developing until now. The name of this kingdom later became the name of Tulang Bawang, but the systems and governance structure tailored to the modern political development.

2. Period
Because not many historical records that reveal the deeper facts about the Kingdom of Tulang Bawang, the data about the period of his reign was still in the process of collection.

3. Territory
Tulang Bawang the Kingdom which now covers an area better known as the province of Lampung.

4. Government Structure
Kingdom government structure Tulang Bawang have not obtained the data. The following will be discussed about how the local government system Tulang Bawang in pre-independence era, when the area became part of the Dutch East Indies government. On November 22, 1808, Lampung Kesiden government established by the Government of the Netherlands East Indies under the direct supervision of the Governor-General Herman William. This reorganization resulted in the traditional government and a means to attract public sympathy. Dutch East Indies government under the authority of the Governor-General Herman William later formed Government, led by Marga Marga Head (Kebuayan). Tulang Bawang region is divided into three kebuayan, namely Buay Moon, Buay Tegamoan, and Buay Umpu. In 1914, established a new kebuayan, namely Buay Aji.

However, this system did not last long because in 1864 began to set up a system based on Pesirah Government Decree No. Kesiden Lampung. 362/12 dated May 31, 1864. Since then, the construction of various facilities that benefit the interests of the Dutch East Indies were constructed, including the Tulang Bawang. When Kesiden Lampung colonized by Japan, not many things changed. After Indonesian independence, defined as the residency of Lampung in South Sumatra Province. After Indonesian independence, many changes Lampung administration system. In fact, since the expansion of the province to bloom occurred in the era of regional autonomy, Lampung province designated as a separate area of South Sumatra province. Since then, the status is set as Sub Menggala Menggala under the auspices of the North Lampung Province.

Tulang Bawang history does not stand so alone, but through a process of important meetings between the elders and community leaders together with government, held since 1972. The meeting was planned establishment of Lampung province into ten districts. In 1981, the Government of Lampung Province and then formed eight Maid Agency Regent, one of which is the North Lampung Regent Menggala Region. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs No.821.26/502 dated June 8, 1981, established the working area Maid Regent South Lampung, Central Lampung, North Lampung and Lampung province.

Through a long process, finally the existence of Tulang Bawang decided by decree of the Minister of Home Affairs on March 20, 1997. As a follow-up, the decision was developed in the Law No. 2 Year 1997 on the Formation of Regional Tulang Bawang Level II and Level II Tagamus District.

6. The Socio-Cultural
When found by I-Tsing in the 4th century, society is still traditional Tulang Bawang. However, they are good at making handicrafts from iron metal and make palm sugar. In subsequent developments, Tulang Bawang community life is still marked by economic activity continued to bergeliat. In the 15th century, Tulang Bawang district is known as one of the trade center in the archipelago. At that time, black pepper commodities are agricultural products are favored. The description of socio-cultural life of Tulang Bawang communities are still in the process of data collection.

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Saya bangga anda promosikan lampung saya dukung sob, artikelnya bagus, salam kenal

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