Traditional hierarchy in Kepaksian
Language : Indonesia
As was explained earlier made Belasa Pepadun Kepampang made such a throne where the king is enthroned bertahtanya the pivot scale Mr. Brak. Custom decrees that only a straight descendant of the pivot tersulung Brak Pak scale are eligible to sit on it in gawi Pepadun the coronation of King as Saibatin. Thus customary Pepadun like those found in other areas such as Lampung homelands in scale Brak.
Consideration to raise or lower one's rank is customary in traditional court agreement with respect to one's loyalty to the line and customary rules. If someone votes are qualified and adhere to the line, provisions and customary rules, and for all offspring can be considered for the rank customary level increased. But if that happens otherwise likely to rank their offspring remained customary or even lowered.
The second consideration to raise one's rank is customary to see the number of subordinates of a person who will be promoted the rank of ancestral lands. Someone who holds the rank of customary or Gelaran called ADOK must have a subordinate position compared with the rank of ancestral lands.
Highest level in the rituals are Saibatin suntan. To be able to achieve Gelaran or Adok and customary position or rank is determined by how many subordinates or followers of a person. Traditional hierarchy in scale Kepaksian Brak from the highest to the lowest are:
1. Suttan
2. King
3. Inward
4. Radin
5. Minak
6. Boxed
7. Mas
Petutughan or call the Indigenous Peoples of Lampung is based on a person within the traditional hierarchy. To call my brother is Pun and Ghatu to suntan, Atin for King, Udo and Cik Dang Wo to mind, Udo and Wo for Radin, Udo and Cik Ngah Ngah to Minak, Brother and Ngah to Mas and brother to Pack. While calls to parents are Will and Ina Dalom to suntan, Aki and Ina mind for King, father, and Ina Inner to Inner whereas for Radin, Mas and use call Kimas Mak and Bak. Calls to the same level as the parents call her uncle and aunt are; Mr. Ina Dalom and Dalom to suntan, Mr. Ina Batin Batin and King, sir-and Middle to Inner Middle Cik, Mr. Balak Balak and Ina for Radin, Pak Ngah and Mak Ngah for Minak, Mr. and Ina Lunik Lunik for Mas and Pak Cik and Mak Cik for the Pack. Call for grandparents is Tamong Dalom and Dalom to level Kajong suntan, Tamong Inner and Inner Kajong for the King and the Inner level while for Radin, Minak, Mas and Pack the use Tamong and Kajong calls only.
Mat or Adok-DALOM, suntan, KING, QUEEN, NO and calls as well as a slow SAIBATIN BUILDING Saibatin only for his family and forbidden and used by others. In line and customary rules are not likely to buy a traditional rank, both with Cakak Pepadun or by other means, especially in the plains Brak Scale as an official of the royal heritage pivot Brak Pak scale.
About one in a custom rank can not be judged by the material and the power that can raise one's position within the tradition, but is determined by the origin, character and number of followers of a man in a traditional environment. When the three met then one's position within the indigenous do not have to buy a property or requested and will be awarded accordingly.
Opportunity to raise one's position within the customary can also be exercised at the event or Wedding Nayuh, etc. Khitanan. The announcement for this promotion, conducted with the usual ceremonies according to customary among the audience accompanied by the strains of solemn sound of the language with Perwatin Canang smooth and has a deep meaning.
Language Perwatin is a regular variety of language, related to organized and always have a wonderful sense of elegant, this variety of language commonly used in traditional environments and the people or respected elder. While language is the variety of language Merwatin used market for daily that the development of language has been influenced by other languages.
Increase one's procession was attended by customs in Saibatin suntan or a designated representative and the Saibatin and other dignitary. Of a series of words said in the form of poetry can be listened to the phrase "Sai Canang owl Ghayu Yes Mibogh World Nigham Sapa Sapa Ngeliak Yes Nengis Yes Hila"
Freely translated means "Voice Like a Gong sound the solemn owl seduce, The whole world heard the echoes, Who's The View was amazed And Missing, Who Heard It would be touched". This means that the announcement of an increase in one's place within the customs have been officially announced.
About the use of Lampung Pepadun in other areas where it was customary in the position can be bought or increase in the customary position by holding a Big Ganda. Cakak Pepadun in this region can be analyzed as follows inception-Member State which has a genealogical relationship of one scale axis Mr. Brak and several groups of migrants from other regions that occupy this new territory far from the influence of Saibatin and Line, Regulations, and Conditions customary laws and binding.
This new place would by itself be a leader and Modeling of the group abide by the new place, to form a new community and the person chosen as the leader of this community who has particularly certain wealth and power to protect the community. Hence the Lampung area can be certain someone who does not have a royal dynasty had himself become a leader or head of certain customary compensation.
The way how this self appointment took samples from the coronation of King Saibatin homelands scale Brak Pak axis, the next time Pepadun Cakak event has become a habit and continues until present. In this new area there are apparently no restrictions on the ranks of Indigenous with the fact that there is that Gelaran Gelaran or the Sacred and Adok held at pivot scale Mr. Brak was even become a public carpet in this area.
After about rising Pepadun with this there is no basis to be a great race among the audience, this opportunity is used by pasa penyimbang to seek wealth and then increased so as to bring great harm to the public in the conduct of Ganda. This situation is exploited by the Dutch government to facilitate action towards this action.
In this imperialist era used by the imperialists to divide the Nation Lampung so differences are used as bait to exacerbate the conflict between his own nation, especially in Lampung Traditional. Netherlands replace the king with the position as Pesirah. Form of government that had been executed in the order of purity and nobility of Indigenous slowly directed to follow the Dutch interests.
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Friday, October 2, 2009
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